biliary drainage stent price

Biliary Drainage Stent is a medical device used for performing a biliary drainage procedure that is done in order to place permanent plastic or metal stent around the site of a blocked bile duct. This stent is usually inserted within a few days of doing the initial drainage procedure. The duct which is being narrowed is kept open so that the catheter is not required. This stent can be preceded or followed by biliary dilatation, in which a segment of the bile duct is dilated using a balloon for opening the stricture. Percutaneous biliary drainage can be caused due to several conditions. There might be gallstones present inside the gallbladder or within the bile ducts. Another sign might be inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) and the bile ducts (sclerosing cholangitis). Some of the people might also experience tumors in the pancreas, gallbladder, bile duct, and liver. You might experience enlarged lymph nodes in the area of the pancreas and liver as well caused due to various types of tumors. Other reasons might be an infection or injury to bile ducts caused while performing the surgery. The biliary drainage procedure is able to relieve the obstruction through an alternative pathway created by it for exiting the liver. Enquire about the biliary drainage stent price on Magicine Pharma today!   

biopsy needle price

The Biopsy Needle is a medical device utilized in the biopsy procedure in which the tissue or fluid samples are taken from the muscles, bones, and other organs, like the liver or lungs. This procedure is done in order to detect the presence of any serious disease such as cancer when a mass or lump, an infection, or inflammation is visible in the body. For this, you even need to go through imaging tests, like computerized tomography (CT) scan or an ultrasound, before performing the needle biopsy procedure. These tests can also be used while performing the needle biopsy procedure which helps in locating the area which is to be biopsied. This procedure includes small risks such as bleeding and infection around the site area where the needle was being inserted. The needle insertion can also cause mild pain, which can be relieved with the help of pain relievers. The other symptoms that require your doctor’s attention are if you have a fever, experiencing pain at the biopsy site that is becoming worse or not even resolved with the help of the medications, swelling at the biopsy site, drainage from the site where the biopsy has been done, and the non-stop bleeding which cannot be stopped even by using the pressure or a bandage. Check out the biopsy needle price from Magicine Pharma now!


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