inbec tablet

Inbec is a prescription medicine with a composition of 600mg/50mg/300mg containing three antiviral medicines in the form of a tablet. This medication consists of three active ingredients viz., abacavir, dolutegravir, and lamivudine. This tablet is used for treating those patients who are suffering from either HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection, or AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) disease. This medicine is capable of reducing the quantity of HIV present in your body. It is also supportive of preventing the risk of HIV-related complications. It also improves your lifespan. Some of its side effects are headache, nausea, and more. Buy the inbec tablet from Magicine Pharma today!

naivex 50 mg

Naivex is a prescription medicine containing the active ingredient dolutegravir with a composition of 50mg. This medication is an anti-HIV medicine utilized in the treatment of those patients who got affected by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. This medicine is helpful in reducing the quantity of HIV virus that your body has. This medication assists in enhancing the quality of your body. This medicine takes action by blocking the enzyme called integrase. It is very supportive in decreasing the amount of HIV present in your blood. This medication also makes your immune system strong to be able to fight against the infection. Get the naivex 50mg from Magicine Pharma today!



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