naivex 50 mg price delhi

Naivex is an anti-HIV medication that contains the active component dolutegravir available in the strength of 50mg. This medicine is used in the treatment of those patients who are suffering from the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. This medication is very effective in decreasing the amount of HIV that is present in your body. It is also helpful in improving the quality of your life. The way this medicine works is by blocking the enzyme known as integrase and also reducing the quantity of HIV present in your blood. It also assists in enhancing your immunity to become strong enough for fighting against the infection. Find out naivex 50mg price delhi on Magicine Pharma today!      

ritocom price 

Ritocom is a prescription medicine that contains two active ingredients namely Ritonavir and Lopinavir in the composition of 50mg/200mg. This medicine is a combination of antiretroviral medicines. This medicine is usually prescribed for treating HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. This medication helps in boosting your immunity to fight against HIV and manages or treats AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). You need to use this tablet according to your doctor’s advised dosage and duration. It can cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and increased cholesterol or triglyceride levels. In case the side effects persist for a longer duration, consult with your doctor. Find out the ritocom price on Magicine Pharma today! 


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