abacavir lamivudine price

Abakast-L is an approved regimen containing Abacavir and Lamivudine. The medication is used to treat individuals suffering from HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Abakast-L tablets may also treat symptoms of AIDS. You can enquire about the abacavir lamivudine price on Magicine Pharma. Purchase online from the website and get quick delivery services. Save up to 36%.

Riluzole price

Rilutek is a formulation of Riluzole in 50mg strength as film-coated tablets. It is useful for treating conditions like Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This medication may help manage some other nerve disorders also. To enquire about the riluzole price, you can visit Magicine Pharma’s website. Purchase at up to a 35% discount.


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